It’s been a while, so I’ll try to bring you up to date on stuff …

Wild Pink Yonder (Manitoba) is winding up. Tomorrow is their last day and it should be a humdinger! We have two full size covered wagons coming plus that awesome set of minis! (The minis are an 8 up pulling a miniature big hitch wagon. They are so cute you can’t look at them without smiling.) Beyond that, there will be 20+ riders. We ride into “Birds Hill Provincial Park” where they are holding the Manitoba Horse Council East/West competition. As the name suggests, it is teams from either side of the province competing, but it’s not just dressage (like I was told), but all kinds of different disciplines. Should be fun. The day ends with a pig roast, beer garden and live music comopliments of Wild Pink Yonder.

Then I send my weary body home. Home! What a strange concept! Sleeping in my own bed. Seeing my own husband. Nice.

But then things start to REALLY heat up at home. I’ll do that in a second post. Talk soon.

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