Sunday was Peavey Mart’s Big Cheque Presentation Day at the AJHL hockey game in Camrose

We’ve had a few crossed wires and difficulties getting organized, but finally we made all the pieces fit together, and on Sunday, off Rusty, Raelene and I went to the AJHL game in Camrose.  Camrose Kodiak vs Olds Grizzlies.  (Didn’t realize ’til I wrote it now — it was these bears against those other bears!  *grin*)

At the first intermission, Kurt Schultz from Peavey Mart made a little speech and told us that Peavey is looking forward to this association “next year and for many years beyond”.  We were thrilled to hear that.

Then the women who made things shake in Camrose and Stettler Peavey Marts (the two towns that did the most pink ribbon and hamburger sales) presented us with the very large cheque for $49,000 (and change).  Then it was my turn to thank them (profusely and from the bottom of my heart).  In my speech I called them the “can-do” company, and they really, really are.

That was followed by our own mini media scrum!  We had coverage from a number of local and regional newspapers.  Lots of pictures.  Lots of interviews.  It was a successful day … and Camrose won the game.  Perfect!

4 thoughts on “Sunday was Peavey Mart’s Big Cheque Presentation Day at the AJHL hockey game in Camrose

  1. No, Peggy, it isn’t. While that WOULD be awesome, this is still pretty darn marvelous … and every Peavey Mart person there was saying, “Just watch!” Their next year number will be bigger!

    The gal from Stettler is planning to get Gord Bamford, and possibly Brett Kissel as well, to sing when they have their barbecue on Fandango weekend!

    We are over the moon!


  2. I know, Donna! I agree. I’m amazed every time I stop long enough to appreciate what everybody has done and what, collectively, we’ve accomplished.

    And then off I go again with new schemes to draw even more unsuspecting people into the fray! *grin* *cackle*


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